Writing of poetry is an art. A poem should appeal to the eye, the ear and the imagination. A poem is essentially the crystallization of an image, a sound, a feeling or an experience.
OVERCOMING WRITERS' BLOCK Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to start writing. Every writer finds himself / herself stymied for ideas on how to break free from that black pit of despair called writer's block. Here are some tips on how to get out of that rut and kindle your imagination. More ways to overcome writers' block
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to start writing. Every writer finds himself / herself stymied for ideas on how to break free from that black pit of despair called writer's block. Here are some tips on how to get out of that rut and kindle your imagination.
You've got the creative juices flowing, but can't find any inspiration. Click on this link and you will find some poetry exercises to spark your imagination: Exercises Now that you have got your poetry written, here are some tips that will help you improve your poetry craft:
PoeWar - Poetry Resource Center
The Albany Poetry Workshop is a site that come highly recommended. Check it out. How to critique a poem
Do you need to have access to an online dictionary. Check out One Look Dictionary Search
Maybe you're a little reluctant to try writing poetry without a formally structured course. Check out these sites:
Join the Writers' Village University and take one of their poetry seminars. This is one of the best online writer's sites on the Web. Writers Village University
Other online sources to check out are:
While there are many legitimate poetry contests, there are many scams. If you are considering entering a poetry contest, check it out thoroughly and read all the rules and fine print. For information on poetry scams, check out these sources: Poetry Scams